Fishing for Life – protecting the health of the oceans while providing New Zealand seafood, full of natural goodness for a heathly life.
In the new generation of fishing, Fishing for Life is at the heart of what we do when we are on the oceans. For us it means:
Our new generation of New Zealand fishers implement continual improvements as they strive for sustainability excellence. Over the last 40 years, our fishing industry has proactively focused its efforts on and invested in building up fish stocks in our waters, so there are no longer any species under threat.
The specific area where we fish has significantly decreased over the last three decades, as the government and industry work together to ensure fishing can live alongside sustainability efforts.
By confining fishing to the same small areas we only catch fish we are targeting and eco-systems in protected seas around the world can thrive. And, by limiting the amount and what we can catch within our regulated ‘fenced’ areas, fish stocks are also maintained. For example, only 0.3% of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) high seas is available for deep sea fishing, protecting the rest of the ocean’s biodiversity and providing a minimum for a sustainable fishing industry.
More numbers:
For the most comprehensive set of facts and references about the New Zealand seafood industry, visit OpenSeas
As technologies and fishing tools evolve, we constantly seek new and better ways to mitigate fishing’s impact on the marine environment.
Talley’s invests heavily in technology. A data-driven environment means we can make timely, informed and responsive decisions to any changes in fish stocks, and can report these to policy makers and regulators.
Changes to gear on boats, such as nets, cod ends and seabird mitigation adjustments, are also making a positive impact to reduce by-catch.
Excitingly, the new technologies on the horizon promise to be revolutionary, building on what the industry is already implementing.
Talley’s implements the Seafood New Zealand Code of Conduct - a set of guidelines and a promise to ensure our oceans are protected for future generations.
The New Zealand seafood industry is proud to exist without government subsidies, while investing considerable resources into the research and development of innovative practices, fishery enhancement, environmental protection and efficient production systems. For example, the industry contributes around $24 million in levies each year to help fund the Government's scientific research of fisheries and the marine environment.
Learn more about Our Promise in PracticeThe New Zealand seafood industry’s footprint is very light, producing approximately 1% of the world's fish catch from the expansive New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone, which is the fourth largest in the world.
100% of New Zealand’s commercial catch is from sustainable fish stocks managed by the New Zealand Quota (NZQMS) and enforced under the Fisheries Act. Under the NZQMS, the Government sets each catch limit, ensuring the long-term sustainability of our fish stocks and the health of our marine eco-systems. This means we operate under rigorous fishing controls, helping us to meet our sustainability commitments - effective, precise management of the wild catch and strict adherence to quotas, ensures the fisheries are highly productive and sustainable, guaranteeing an appropriate balance with the natural environment
Internationally, Talley’s is part of several Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) around the world. RFMOs are inter-governmental organisations committed to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of the fishery resources in their region, thereby safeguarding the marine ecosystems in which the resources occur.
In addition to the NZQMS, we also meet our sustainability commitments by fishing Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fisheries. These fisheries must have sustainable fish stocks, minimal environmental impact, and effective management.
Only seafood from an MSC certified fishery can carry the blue MSC eco-label.
Talley’s is a strong supporter of the following MSC certified fisheries:
For more information, read our Sustainable Fishing Management Statement of Intent.
Sustainable Fishing Management Statement of Intent.© Talley's 2025 • Web design and development by Plato