Pagrus auratus
A white-pink flesh fish with large flakes and a mild, sweet flavour.
Snapper is one of the largest and most valuable coastal fisheries. It is the largest recreational fishery in New Zealand, with recreational harvests accounting for over 40% of the total catch allowance.
Snapper are found in New Zealand's warmer coastal waters, commonly in the North Island and Upper South Island, especially Tasman Bay.
They are a long living species (up to 60 years), and migratory.
Snapper belongs to the Sparidae family (Sea Breams, Snappers)
Snapper are golden pink to tones of red, flecked with blue spots, the colour paling to white on the belly. They have a large head and moderately firm scales.
Snapper has a semi firm flesh with a low oil content and large flakes.
Snapper is managed by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) using the New Zealand Quota Management System (QMS). Snapper abundance is monitored using commercial catch rates, catch-at-age sampling, trawl survey information and abundance estimates from the recapture of tagged fish. Most of our Snapper stocks are stable or increasing.
Snapper are found in New Zealand's warmer coastal waters, particularly in the North Island and Upper South Island. The species extends over a wide variety of habitats, including reefs as well as sand and muddy sea beds.
1-2.5 kg
30-50 cm
6,907 tonne
100-500 tonne
Average quantity per 100g
460 kJ
20.1 g
3.2 g
0.3 g
Snapper has a semi-firm white to pinkish flesh with a mild, sweet flavour and is highly versatile in cooking. Try poaching it, cooking it on the Barbecue, baked, in a curry, marinated, smoked, using it in a soup/chowder, or frying.
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