Pseudocyttus maculatus
A firm, white flesh fish that holds together well when cooked.
Smooth Oreo Dory are a deepwater species found only in the Southern Hemisphere.
The live at depths between 600 and 1200 metres and are caught year round, mainly on the Chatham Rise and in the South-Eastern area of the EEZ.
Smooth Oreo Dory are slow growing and may live up to 80 years.
The fillets are versatile and hold together well when cooked.
Download fact sheetSmooth Oreo Dory belong to the Oreosomatidae family (Oreos).
Mid-grey body with darker fins and scales that can easily be dislodged under pressure. Smooth Oreo have a less angular body, not so pronounced eye, and smaller fin spikes than the related Black Oreo.
The flesh is white and firm.
Oreo is managed by the Ministry for Primary Industries using the New Zealand Quota Management System (QMS). Included in the TACC for Oreos are Smooth, Black, Spiky and Warty. Fisheries improvement Plans have been developed for Smooth and Black Oreo, which path out the steps towards achieving MSC Certification.
Smooth Oreo are only found in the Southern Hemisphere. They are caught year round by deepsea trawl mainly along the Chatham Rise and in the South-eastern area of the EEZ.
0.8-2 kg up to 4kg
35-45 cm
15,460 (OEO) tonne
1500-2000 tonne
Average quantity per 100g
343 kJ
11.2 g
4.1 g
0.3 g
Smooth Oreo Dory fillets are firm, white and do not flake easily. Fillets hold together well while cooking and are suitable for most cooking methods including baked, sauteed, poached, steamed, barbecued, casseroles or for use in a soup/chowder.
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