Katsuwonus pelamis
A dark red flesh tuna with a medium texture.
Skipjack Tuna are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters. They are well known for their long migrations.
New Zealand is at the southern limit of Skipjack Tuna migration and they can usually be found in the northeast in the summer months. The water temperature needs to reach 19 degrees Celsius before they appear. They inhabit depths of 150 and 250 metres, and are mainly caught by purse seine.
The Marine Stewardship Council eco-label assures you that our Talley's New Zealand SkipJack Tuna reflects sustainable fishing at its finest. It means that our fish stocks are healthy, we don't damage the eco-system and there is ongoing effective management of the Talley's New Zealand Skipjack Tuna Fisheries.
Skipjack Tuna is great cooked whole and produces excellent steaks.
Skipjack Tuna belong to the Scombridae family (Mackerels and Tunas).
Skipjack Tuna are torpedo shaped and have a dark purple ridge on their back. The upper sides are a bluish sheen with the lower sides and belly are silver-white with four to six dark longitudinal stripes.
The flesh is dark red with a medium texture.
Talley's New Zealand Skipjack Tuna has been certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council, the global gold standard for sustainability since August 2017. This certification covers New Zealand Skipjack Tuna caught by Talley's only.
Skipjack Tuna are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters. They are well known for their long migrations.
Skipjack tuna are based in the Western and Central Pacific for most of the year and return to New Zealand during the summer.
1.8-2.8 kg
45-55 cm
Nil tonne
Average quantity per 100g
740 kJ
25 g
8.2 g
0.6 g
Skipjack Tuna have a dark red flesh with a medium texture, low moisture and high oil content. They are a great option cooked whole and excellent as steaks.
If you have any enquiries please feel free to contact our friendly sales team.
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