Mustelus lenticulatus
A firm, white and boneless flesh with a low oil content.
Rig is often marketed as Lemonfish and is a favourite among New Zealand's fish and chip shops.
Rig are found throughout New Zealand, generally in coastal areas at depths less than 200 metres.
Rig belong to the Triakidae family (Smooth Dogfish).
Rig are pale golden-brown to grey above and have numerous small blue and white spots. The belly is white. They have no spines or dorsal fins.
The flesh is firm, white and boneless.
Rig is managed by the Ministry for Primary Industries using the New Zealand Quota Management System (QMS). Regular stock assessments are conducted to estimate fishery stock size and numbers. Scientific studies are also used. From these, scientists can estimate future stock sizes and catch limits.
Rig are found throughout New Zealand, generally in coastal areas at depths less than 200 metres.
3-4 kg
70-100 cm
2,089 tonne
100-500 tonne
Average quantity per 100g
381 kJ
21.0 g
0.9 g
0.3 g
Rig have a firm, white and boneless flesh that does not flake easily and has a low oil content. It is great battered and deep fried and is often marketed as Lemonfish. Rig is a favourite among New Zealand’s ‘fish and chip’ shops.
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