Conger verreauxi, Conger wilsoni
A white flesh eel with firm texture.
Conger Eels are marine eels. They are solitary and nocturnal.
There are two Conger species that occur in New Zealand, the Southern Conger (C. verreauxi) and the Northern Conger (C. wilsoni). The Northern Conger is restricted to New Zealand, whereas the Southern Conger occurs around both New Zealand and southern Australia.
Their flesh is less oily than the flesh of a fresh water eel.
Conger Eels are marine eels and belong to the Congridae family (Congers).
Conger Eels are most commonly grey to black and occasionally have blue-black bodies and paler below, sometimes mottled. The dorsal, tail and anal fins extend almost the whole of the smooth body. They have larges eyes and mouth.
The flesh is white and firm.
There are two Conger species that occur in New Zealand, the Southern Conger (C. verreauxi) and the Northern Conger (C. wilsoni). The Northern Conger is restricted to New Zealand, whereas the Southern Conger occurs around both New Zealand and southern Australia.
3-5 kg
100-120 cm
<100 tonne
Average quantity per 100g
402 kJ
17.6 g
2.8 g
0.3 g
Conger Eel have white flesh, of a firm texture. The flesh is less oily than freshwater eels and holds together well when cooked.
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