Seriolella brama
A lean, white flesh fish with a medium texture and medium-low oil content.
Blue Warehou are found closer to the shore then the other Warehou species.
They are common in cooler waters off New Zealand's South Island, at depths between 20 and 200 metres.
Blue Warehou belong to the Centrolophidae family (raftfishes, medusafishes).
Dark bluish-green above, a silvery white underside, a small dark head and a black spot by the pectoral fin. The juveniles have additional spots.
Blue Warehou are distinguished by their colour and fin characteristics but as they are migratory fish, there can be minor variations in appearance at different locations.
The flesh is white, with a medium texture.
Blue Warehou is managed by the Ministry for Primary Industries using the New Zealand Quota Management System (QMS). Regular stocks assessment are conducted to estimate fishery stock size and numbers. Scientific studies are also used. From these, scientists can estimate future stock sizes and catch limits.
They are found closer to shore than other Warehou species and are most common in cooler waters off the South Island. Blue Warehou are mainly fished from grounds in the Cook Strait and off the West Coast of the South Island at depths between 20 and 200 metres.
1-3 kg up to 7kg
40-60 cm
4,122 tonne
100-500 tonne
Average quantity per 100g
485 kJ
20.4 g
3.8 g
0.3 g
Blue Warehou have a medium-textured flesh with medium to low oil content. They are best cooked by moist heat methods and are ideal in strong-flavoured dishes such as curries.
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